Any type of sanction can be further modified through exemptions. By adding exemptions to a particular type of sanction, the UN Security Council can limit the application of the sanctions measure to particular items (e.g. specific types of weapons), activities (e.g. participation in peace talks), or circumstances (e.g. following the denial of inspection).
The full list of previously imposed exemptions, together with the specific wording used in the texts of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, can be found in the “Exemptions” section of each distinctive type of sanctions (listed in the “Types of sanctions” part of the App).
Occasionally, the exemptions are not sanction-specific, but the UN Security Council uses a general provision allowing the Sanctions Committee to exempt any prohibited activity on a case-by-case basis. This is generally done due to humanitarian concerns. For more information, see the DPRK and Yemen sections of the "Humanitarian exemptions" section below.